I nominate Trey for GT MVP. Here's why..
Trey brought GT the spark it needed. Trey is the reason GT is the way it is. Hate it or love it. He has an undeniable strength when it comes to getting followers, getting attention, commanding a crowd. He took a decently played forum based game and turned it into a war zone. He gives people a reason to play; a reason to come back; the passion to hate; the competition to spend money! He pioneered the group merge tactic, the group shirt emblem, the personal player shirt emblem, the personal player hat emblem. Which not only made groups and players able to make themselves more prominent and known but also added an incredible amount of business for Travis that was not there at all besides $3/month memberships. He is the GT Mascot. Hate him or love him, everyone knows Trey. There is no person more well known on this game then him. And if that doesn't make him the GT MVP then I don't know what does. Thanks. :)
- Amanduh