Hydro THC & SqUiRReL GOD

"Most Featured Players have been nominated for their style of playing and for being gg'ers.

Hydro has gone beyond that with his "unselfish" willingness to help Get Tiffany players with the latest virus that attacked our machines this past week (MSBLASTER - LOVESAN). He was the first "on the scene" with the solution to get our computers back and operating. With that, he shared with Squirrel GOD, his knowledge on the situation.

Together, the two spent many hours on MSN and in the GT Forum helping GT players with patches and firewalls needed to get our computers back up and running again. And, in the time they spent not playing the game, i'm sure they lost a lot of mojo they could have been getting by playing.

A lot of GT players sent messages to thank them personally, but I believe Get Tiffany should honor those two players by awarding them both as Featured Player.

As an extra bonus, being this was an extraordinary effort on their part, they should both be awarded extra mojo to their accounts.
