"subzero , you may like him you may hate him but wen it comes down to it he was overlooked many times for feature cuz of the mixed feelings bout him lets see wat he has done since being in gt he climbed rank like a bat out of hell, put up big numbers for ahwhile making him almost uncatchable, very importantly he has not cared bout wat people think bout him or say bout him , he has good and bad days in forum but the main reason he deserve feature player is he is making an attempt to give gt some life. we all been in those days where you really feel like playing but you end up losing intrest imidiatly, wat sub is doing right now is hosting a clan wars , with a intresting format of points both being awarded and taken away from a clan pending the play of the participates, the clan wars comes from the SAA a group within gt much like the gtc awards group to offer a feature aside from the article gt feature and to run with the currant dormate gtc awards some one is attempting to do good in gt and that is sub zero mvp"
-castiron MVP
"I'd like to nominate Subzero for featured player. Sub one of the dominant players on GT; ranking 17 in the top scoring players and at least top 10 on zeroes, points ever in a day and points ever in a week. He's also a major personality on GT, making his opinion known whether it is a popular opinion or not. But the main reason for the nomination though, is Sub's SAA. Though you may not agree with the principle behind the formation of the SAA, You cannot deny that it is well put together. The Clan war being held by the SAA is absolutely the best thought out and run tournament I have seen. The points system and method of play make it easier for the players to play thier matches and the clan to gain points without a lot of DQ's for missing matches. Also, Sub has actually been the only judge on almost all the matches I have seen, making the total rounds he has sat in a private game and defended round after round to judge the matches probably well over 2000. That is a mind numbing amount, That is dedication, that is what will be needed to ensure that the SAA is the center of the Get Tiffany community."
- WeissGuy DMW