EvoLution DMW

Staunched, fiery, determined, they are but few accurate words to describe the DMW's big boss. He's been a faithful dubbie, helping keeping the clan intact. Unfortunately, his seemingly grave countenance has earned for him some unfavorable opinions, but don't be deceived- inside this tough guy lies a softie willing to care with a heart ready to give, a friend who is almost too good to be true. In contrast to what others think of him, Andy is a person with a great sense of humor, a real clown and a person you can lean for advice. Andy's one of the most approachable leaders there isnever too far away when someone needs him. His statements never fail to bring you out of the woods. He's a person with unbelievable character and strong personality. Known for his gift of leadership truly worthy of emulation. Nothing but respect for our good leader Evolution DMW.

- sWeeT KyLa

Evolution may not be one of the players I've known since my early days on GT, but I'm damn sure I know him enough to say he deserves to be featured player. He's been in DMW for a really long time now, and during that time I've gotten to know him and extremely respect him. No matter what happens you can count on him to give you a hand when you need it. He's always helpful (that's why I suck up to him). Evo also has his special sense of humor (which I struggle to understand). His posts are always a delight, whether they're inspirational, comic, or just spam =P. I'm glad Evolution got the chance to lead DMW. Personally, I think he's doing a grand job and really deserves a pat on the back. You're a great leader Andy and I'm glad I got to know you. You're special. :)

- Buali