Devil |3itch
"He might not be the most liked guy on GT, but he sure made it fun and interesting I think..Although he is a great friend of mine, Which I am glad to have met...But let's talk about the man outside of GT... I have to say he has got a wonderful singing voice...First time I heard him I think my mouth dropped lol I say he should make his own songs..Seriously his voice was music to my ears. He is also a very caring person..He sure has been there for me at some hard times.. The one thing I gotta say is he does speak his mind, and doesn't care what others think..Which I do admire, I think that makes a person strong within themselves. You see Devil |3itch is just some cartoon character on GT whom was known well for hating..That was Just the style he created for it.. The Person behind that is a wonderful person, a good man, whom has stuck by his friends when in need.. Whom has also made you laugh on days you didn't think possible you could laugh, cause it was just a crappy day for you... I feel blessed that I got to know the real guy, and so this is my special thank you to him and a dedication to a great player of GT as well.. Steve I am glad we met and had all the fun times that we had , and shared. I sure will miss the Devil |3itch ,but I know your still close around on my messenger. You are a goodfriend and I love ya for it."
- Peachy
"Although Devil can be an ass in GT it makes the game different other than just gifting. I admit I used to avoid him I mean who wouldn't but I've never seen him quit or take getting his ass beat (when it did happen) with you being gone out of GT it isn't the same although some are intimidated by Devil alot also look up to you as a role model. I've seen the otherside of you also and when a friend did need something well you was there also. I would hate to see DB leave will be missed."
- HoKuS PoKuS
Why Devil |3itch Deserves FP
"Sure Devil is a hater, but he's playin for fun. He also has values and hates on new people, or those that haven't earned his respect yet. If you earn it, you are safe from him. He himself is a respectable player on GT. He has played this game for a long time and has done many things. He's an old schooler that kept his old school values. He hasn't been in the forums runnin his mouth at every1 or callin many people n00bs likesome of the old schoolers do now-a-days. In my mind, he is some1 that you fear, but once you get to know him, you realize how cool he is. He doesn't complain about win% or rank or wins, he doesn't complain about people defendin or quitting, he doesn't DC on purpose, Quit from games, or defend himself for points. He doesn't break the CoC. How many other hater's to you know that are like this? And take into the acct that all this guy does is hate, and he seems to be liked, Why? Because of his values that he leaves on people and expresses."
- Fossi
"DeviL |3itch, THE best hater I know...Known him for a long time, I was actually the person who helped him out when he first joined GT, taught him how to play, told him everything I knew. Without him around on GT, this game would never have seen such special hating skills. From what I saw he was the one who people feared, but apart from that a very good player, he doesn't need help when zeroing because this hater has got it all."
From your mentor
- iMMuNiTy DMW