"I would like to say that When i first came to GT and met Timberland he seemed like a good and hard player to me. As time went by and i got to know him. I also realized what a good guy he is too:)Never a dull moment when timber is around hehe...
As far as a player in GT i have to say he is one of the Best i know. He is loyal to the game and also plays ruff. I have learnt he has been playing for almost 3 years now. I think that deserve's him to be GT Featured player. He has played long and hard at the game, and is now 46th in rank Total points is 1108761 His win percentage is 46.97% which i think is outstanding:)
He has a all time winning streak of 12. Just so much He has put into the game and played i think he deserves it... Which i am sure if you look you will see how hard he has played."
- Peach