Flippin Styles
if there is one person who deserves a FP it gotta be flippin styles
i have no idea if he has been nominated before but.. w/e
flippin styles has been cool from the moment he started to play gettiffany,a loyal person to USA who still plays even when it dies he must be the key why USA still exists
he's a kinda person who never loses his cool, he will remain calm when there is a hater in a game or some noob who doesnt like him,
if you know him for quite some time you would find it a cool guy
hes one off the few persons who still struts more then he gifts
i respect that because i know its hard to win that way here in version 4.1
hes the master of playing oldschool the cool way so all i have to say is:
Flippin is a PimP
- NeS King