The GT clan, TBO, has proposed to his friend clan, WWP, the project of promoting a long endurance tournament. All the partners of the clans WWP and TBO are, then, invited. The prize will reward the effort and perseverance of the winner. The prize is a GT MEMBERSHIP. The tournament is dated to begin on 10/ 12/ 2002 and it will take about three months.

Each clan will take note of the points, that each player of their clans have, at the begin date. There will be a general statistics, and each clan will develop and show their own statistics too, in de respective web sites. The tournament will be played in normal GT games. All the points that each player, of the two clans, gets, during the tournament dates, will be added to his/her total score in the tournament. This way all the points that the players will get, are good too for their GT rank.

This tournament have not the intention to promote the aggressiveness in the game, the intention is to give a prize to the regularity, to the constancy and the GG. That's why it will take about three months.

Personally, i think that this tournament is something new in GT, and at the same time unknown. I only hope that the GG will be the winner, and that all the participants will get a lot of fun.