Staying In The Game
" At long last, I think GT is about as close to the old style video game, and less like a talk show as we are going to get.
I have seen so many changes in this game. Different versions, so many faces, twice as many names, playing styles modified to fit each clan and/or player, clans come and go, and as always, haters raging until thier fire is finally put out with the knowledge that when it comes right down to it, the players just dont care. They want to play. They want to see thier friends and try to out think them and have fun while doing it.
Although 4.0 didnt offer us much at all in the way of actual major changes, as in clothing and such, one thing was done that the game desperatly needed. Structure. The Forums were split into different interests as well as topics. The requirements to post in said forums isnt quite as easy for our players that like to cause trouble. So many games must be played and won, etc. Which seriously cut back on unwanted and meaningless posts and verbal thrashings. Now the forum is being used more like it was meant to be; keeping players informed and in touch, with each other and with Travis. Most of the posts which used to drag out, doesnt recieve the attention or credibility as they used to, and these fires quickly die out, leaving us with the one thing we are actually there to do. HIT THE PLAY BUTTON!!!! Go play and fight and laugh and mess up with your buddies. Kick each others cans for the sheer fun of it and end each game with either TG or GG, which in my eyes simply means, a damn good, hard, fun, tough game. When you cut out all the hassle, you find yourself with the game you orignally fell for, playing beside old friends and making new ones. Gt has more players than ever and is still growing.
Theres only one thing the majority of players agree on thats over the top with 4.0. The cost of having a player, a clan, a logo, etc. I understand it is a game to us and a business to Travis, but thats alot of money when you really think about it. Not that Travis shouldnt get it, or deserve it, but not many can or will pay so much to play a video game. Alot of players are teens.
All in all, just the fact GT is a fun and peaceful place to kick it again is the real prize, and I am glad a way was found to return the players to the game and get them out of the forum.
Now, if someone could float me a loan to stay in the