No Gains Without Pains

"There are no gains without pains."
Adlai Stevenson (1900-65) US statesman. Speech, Chicago, 26 July 1952

It is sad that one of modern humanities worst traits is its infectious disorder to attack a man while he's 'up'. By this I mean that success always brings with it a certain amount of hate and jealousy from some of those who are witness to it. You can see this affect all too clearly when movie stars and sports stars who become 'too famous for their own good' are set on by the public and the press (for the public). To become successful is to become known and to become known is to become prey. We are a jealous society, we desire what we have not got. The grass is always greener on the other side and this always leads to what we have already experienced on Get Tiffany at least twice already, and now a third. PRT is without doubt the most successful clan on GT, this is why at points through GT history it has been under the most jealous and ruthless attacks by what we have all termed 'Haters'. Some of you will also remember SSM, another successful clan (now sadly departed) which had an antiSSM clan associated with it, such was SSM's success. Most recently you will see plenty of anti DMW because at present it is a very successful clan. The spotlight will always shift around to those who strive for success and recognition and as the spotlight moves around the predators will be watching and hating. One thing to remember is that if this happens to you or your clan, you can take it as a compliment. Your success has put you in the spotlight for ALL to see.

"Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation or creed."(I would add Clan).
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher. Attrib.

- A Hater.