Forum Archive


"1.If travis was a chick would u still respect him??

2.If gettiffany was infact selling your information to corprate america would u still play?

3.If 4.0 Never came out would u still stay?

4.If Travis made Gettom instead of gettiffany would u have ever played?

5.Has this game been over run by a clan or by security?

6.What do u think you would have done with your time if u werent playing gettiffany every day or so??

7.If GT was 8 bux a month would u still play??

8.Is there a reason why we all have been brought to this game is it gods plan or is it just a normal accurance??

9.Do you think u can form a friendship on this game without any drama and arguments...??

10.Should ur computer speed affect ur playing?

11.If the playing age was 18 how many of u think u could find a good opponet every single day to play with that aint over 18

12.Would u hack GT if u could?

13. SHould we do more for travis or vise virsa?

14.Why did people follow someone so intentaly to either get someone banned or mess up the game

15.WHen do u think GT will be shut down for life? or if it wont?

16.If travis died tomorrow would u still show love??

17.If WST wasnt created what clan would u be in or how would u feel??

18.IF there never was a PRT would GT be full of solo's?

19.Are u mad because im asking you 21 questions?

20.How long will u continue to play and y?

21.What have u takin from this game?

Leave the answers to these questions either in a reply or send me a msg..."
