Someone on the Forum message board recently asked, "Whats (sic) is it with clans in this game?????" I would ask, "Why would things be any different online than they are in nature?"

Humans by nature are gregarious. They gather for society and comfort. When a sufficient number of people gather, special needs must be met. Chief among these needs is society and protection. People like to feel that they belong with other people and seek those of like mind and spirit. The tribes of GT have thus been formed.

There are many reasons for the formation of the various tribes of GT (some refer to them as "clans" or "gangs" but, I prefer the term tribes). Some have started with mischievous intent. Others as protection from the mischievous ones. Still others have been formed as exemplar tribes. Whatever the reason for the formation of these groups, they reflect what has happened in our world and is happening still.

The interesting question is if GT (or any other cyber-collective) becomes large enough and rich enough to support the evolution of tribes to higher forms of society. Large enough in population and rich enough in the collective experience of the population. What will be the stratification? Will it follow other "real-world" socio-political norms? Will there be room for the stoic? Will there become a new disenfranchised? This is the great experiment at which the player's question hints.

-Mike Watson