GT Life And You As A 'Real' Person
"Now you all should know being true to yourself is important but when it comes to GT life where do you stand? The fact is its only a game, who you meet and what you do from the game is different. If people wanna trip your strut or fight your gift then learn to counter -It's a GAME! The options are there for us to trip and make fun and fight or whatever, so what's the sense in not using them? What style of game play you choose is up to you just don't expect others to follow you, and remember your style does NOT necessarily reflect your true personality. As for swearing, you have to expect it, as this game has a wide range of personalities.
One thing we have on GT is a Forum and freedom of speech and many take advantage of this, sometimes it turns out nasty. I'm not talking about general arguments, I'm talking about un-called for things, such as being racist, prejudice and spreading rumours etc.
If someone wants to 'dis' you on GT about your personal life then be true to yourself and think of them as the fake people.
And simply remember that this person doesn't have true friends. Not only are they lying to other people but to themselves also.
Like Voltaire once said-
'Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.'
So when you log-on and play and join-a-clan then you are probably part of the 'GT community' and you decide whether or not to be true to yourself, just remember to stick to your path.
You wanna be fake? -Then prepare to have fake friends.
You wanna be true to yourself? -Then good for you."