"Due to the courage of ViX, to go out and come out to the truth knowing that some stupid punks out there will share some dissing'. I used to be one of those dumb punks but I tend to believe IÔÇÖm not a "punk" in the eyes of GT anymore. That may seem wrong because I know how all of you guys just seem to love to hate me, aha. Most of you know me as Cujo; the crazy punk who you just can't stop hating. But I'm here to share something that I've been hiding from most people. My name isn't Chad Bassen nor was it Derek Sellers. I just didn't feel comfortable giving out my name on the net. Call me paranoid but that's just how I feel. Get Tiffany has changed my opinion about the net in so many ways it's amazing. I believe that because of all the great people on this game of Get Tiffany there are so many life lessons available for you to learn. So many of us have gone through a lot of things on this game and in life. Veterans of Get Tiffany always have something to say, either it be trash talking or seeing someone's point of view and trying to help them out. Either way knowledge is being passed along through all types of conversations on this game. This game is so interactive, that's why it makes it so fun and it's basically a 2nd home for me. I can just come on here play some games, trash talk or just talk with some people and in the end of it all I end up leaving the computer a happier person. I don't know if it's the game or the people, maybe it's a combination of both but this game is sure a special thing. Now for the moment you've all been waiting name, my name is Joel Davis and I would've gladly just hung around going as Chad Bassen but I believe that when ViX took charge and told us her secret, that probably took a lot of courage. That courage that ViX seems to bring along everyday has struck me lots of times. Now you know my real name, my opinion of the game of GT. The pictures of mine are real, and I am good at hockey. Just not quite as good as "Chad Bassen". If you're baffled and wondering if my whole personality is a scam don't hesitate to send a shout through aim or msn... Thanks for your time, looking forward for some good games, PEACE N GG TO ALL.