Forum Archive
Void has been labled the most successful cheater without getting caught award on GT, just last week ago people she had 206 zeros now she has around 300, somethings not right about that picture, also today she recived 15 k in 2 hrs, that is not possible people unless you get doubles every sinlge game and I dont know about you but i never see void zeroing lot of people when am in games with her, do you?
Venom XMeN has been labled the biggest trash talker and defender on GT, there is no proof to be needed to prove this case, as you all see hes post talking trash to people, also far as the defending well for those who been in games with him you know what am talking about, also do not play him on one on one in games because if you beat him he will deny everything, he thinks hes some kind of GT Fairy, well bud am the only GT Fairy on this place, also please note the new version of GT 4.0 it is now offical the defend button will be renamed the "Venom" button so congradluations to you Venom.
Rumor has it Goldengun is now Trey, so congrats to Goldengun as no one is officaly a GT legend until you get accused of being Trey, (its a rule) so to Trey i ask how is Canada? and Trey is number one in zeros, go Trey!....idiots
Ok the whole deal with who made what who did what with the WST site, Zach first took the credit for making the site and Burn denied to take any credit, then people started bashen him so he decided to take 90 percent credit, now Zach is getting kinda sad because he wanted the credit, will you two work this out and share the credit equally? i mean really who cares, and zach dont expect a superior clan like WST to bend over and kiss you're ass just because you helped with their site or you will get OWNED, on that note every website sucks no one can compete with my bad ass moonfruit site anyway not even GTC w00t!
Last but not least everyone wants to know when will feature player be updated? WHEN YA TWICE OR SCORBUTIC decide to NOMINATE someone DUH!, don't you people realise the last 4 or 5 nominations have been by those two? jeeze you figure it out, so for ANYONE that wants to be feature player start sucken them two asses soon as possible! jeeze i hope its me! nevermind am far to badass for any awards on this game.
On that note if today is you're birthday you will have a great time eat pizza hang out with you're friends then when it comes time to blow out the candles you find out a terroist implanted a bomb in you're cake you blew out the candles you and everyone else dies, oh yes dont fear the sucide bombers fear the cake bombers!
~DF just too badassÔäó
Dragon God