GT Version4

"After years of bitching about the release of GTv4, in October 03 it finally arrived. All of the rumours about various changes were finally settled, and then the bitching began again about what should have been included. I think that GTv4 was a huge hurdle for the GT community (including Travis). Many players were disappointed that no new options were added to the clothing of the characters, whilst others have found the new clan features to help the rebirth of their clans.

How has GTv4 changed us? The biggest change must be the dialogue we now have with Travis. Prior to GTv4, communication was mainly by email, and often responses were one word or single statement answers. The Admin Statements forum has enabled Travis to post ideas, warnings etc to the entire game and allowed us to reply to him direct, for all to see. He has clearly listened to some of the suggestions made in the GT wish list forum, and has implemented them with each new release. All of this is very positive.

The clan features debuted in GTv4 have also given smaller newer clans the chance to compete with the longer established clans. The days of cloning and of pretending to be a n00b are long gone. The entire game now seems to be fairer and a better place to spend some time.

Where do we go from here? Travis is now continually trying to improve things for us players. The introduction of webspace, email addresses etc can only be welcomed. All of this helps GT become better know and will therefore attract more players. It is clear Travis has put a lot of time and effort into GTv4 and the other surrounding features. But all is not rosey for us.

Everyone has an opinion on the membership fees, clan fees, and 'lifetime memberships'. Some still feel cheated by the original $8 fee not being 'upgradeable' to a lifetime membership in GTv4. Eventually all of the 3.7 memberships will be exchanged for GTv4 memberships, and then the money will start to flow in for Travis. Is Travis right in asking for the amounts he is for the options and features the game now boasts? Will the GT community continue to pay out a regular amount for these features? When will the genuine need / want get GTv5 begin?

I have tried to give a balanced view on GTv4, but having re-read it, some of it seems to be saying how amazing Travis is, and how thankful we all should be to him. Yes, I am sure he did work hard for GTv4, yes I feel he probably did run at a financial loss in the 3.X days, and yes I think he is justified in redressing the financial balance in GTv4. However, I also feel that maybe Travis left GT just too long before releasing GTv4, maybe Travis was a little naive with the membership fees for 3.7 and also that some of the other problems that delayed GTv4 were indirectly self inflicted."

ZoMbooLio EPP