Why Do We Play/Why Do Ee Join Clans

"I dont know about the rest of gt but i play because no one stares. you see i take pride in being differnt from every one else, and helping those cast out in neglect, i play because in real life i ware big chains around my arms neck and waist i have leather bands with steell spikes around my wrists, tattoos pirecings, i like to listen to metal and blues and classical but no one sees that wat they see is differance, i play drums ,but i also play chelo and violin, but no one sees that, i study history and pollitics and art but ,people see an uncomfortable situationcuz they cannot look at a person to see him, i was captain of my high school football team but in class i was disgarded cuz i decided to hang out with those who didnt have daddys brand new car to got to their parents cabin, i coach minor football because i cannot play anymore cuz of injury but id rather teach then play cuz i play through each one of them, i fight alot in bars me and my freinds seem to always find trouble.

i play gettiffany because i can be an equal i can talk with people with ut being prosecuted for being differant.in a world of game it is where i have made freinds all over the world and we play,but i still see people being neglected because they are differant,weather its cuz they jus started playing or they play alot wat ever the case may be they are unwelcome from the majority.i say its jus words in a cartoon box but is it ,is it cartoon words or is it real words disguised in a cartoon.i play because here i can relax and talk with people.

now whats the purpose of clans ,is it a team of stats or people you can talk to ,thats wat most clans are about but all of them ae for a sense of belonging MVP my clan, is always being looked differantly at now more then ever,why wat is so differant bout us that makes us differant from every other clan ,wats the differance between us and them ,this is why because we are differant the entire clan everything about us, we are made up of those found unwanted ,unworthy of gt , we have noobs who were never givin a chance we have vets who been givin many chances we have players who found it hard to fit in with dmw and wst because the were differant we have likeably players and not so likeable players but together we are most valuble playerz because with out differance , evey one would be the same clan would be the same ,im part of mvp because people deserve a chance to play on the the level as those before them mvp is not better jus differant and they get pushed around alot but everyonce in awhile they push back, but its only respect they want ,they dont care if there liked , jus respected."

Cast Iron MVP